Search for the space station among the strong planets!

This took longer than I'd like to admit, but it did all happen on the same day. After spending a while trying to come up with an idea I liked, I settled on "Let's make a space ship controller and see where it ends up". So, I spent 6 hours on making a nice spaceship controller to feel like piloting a heavy capitol ship, and then another hour making a game around it.

It was fun learning how to make interesting gravity wells, and experimenting with making the feel and sound of the controls feel good was very fun! From this project, I have learned controller rumble, simple gravity, and making controls feel slow and heavy while not unusable.

Assets Used:


Sketchbook 4 Linux.x86_64 82 MB
Sketchbook 4 62 MB
Sketchbook 4 Windows.exe 78 MB